Friday, September 2, 2022



" Step into and own who you are! Your uniqueness, your quirks and your personality- it's all meant to be."


I love this quote so much it explains me in a nutshell so well.  I have always been a little insecure with my personality and in completely owning my quirks, in the past I was made to feel like there was something wrong with me for being different in so many ways it wasn't until recently I found my freedom and happiness in being my true myself and not giving a care about what others think about me, because it doesn't matter  all that matters is how I feel and right now I feel good about the woman I'm growing into  which is why I call my blog   A New Happy, I thinks it's unique and fitting to me in this season of my life I'm in!  I'm excited to write again I'm excited to share parts of myself I haven't shown to others in a really long time, and I hope you enjoy.   



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