Friday, April 28, 2023

Good Thoughts Only

  What we think we become. Thats so true, often there are times I can have the most negative thoughts in my head, or I create false narratives about me and others and somehow, I convince myself they are true. Why do I do that!? I really don't know perhaps it's a bad habit. I'm working so hard to be kinder to my mind and to not be so harsh to myself for making mistakes, mistakes are part of life, and you will make them all that matters is did I learn something and how I come back from it. Life is too short to be unkind and unhappy with yourself and others if everyone practice speaking words of kindness inward and outwardly how different the world would be and our mental health if we just changed our thoughts.

This is me eating clam chowder in Santa Cruz, feeling happy and back in love with world again because sometimes the world can be so cruel, and you can forget how to find joy in little things like clam chowder and good company.

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