Thursday, May 4, 2023


   I'm a planning some trips to the thrift store and before in a couple of weeks and I'm also shopping a few sales on Amazon for some new spring summer outs! I feel a little late for the spring part, but I live by the ocean, so the weather is kind of always spring like. 

Typically, before I shop for any clothing items, I like to go through my own closet to see what I'm working with, the reason for that is because my goal is to buy what I need and to try to find new pieces that can coordinate with what currently have. After I assessed what's in my closet, I like to create a visual guide for myself to look at while I'm shopping so each picture, I've chosen I have one or two simar pieces in my wardrobe already, I like to make sure I do this because it helps to keep me on track and makes my life a hundred times easier, so I don't buy all the wrong things! 






These are my spring summer basics for this season, and if you take a close look at each outfit you can see that they can be enter change together, I love to make sure all of my outfits can go together I think it's a very smart and cost-effective way to make your money stretch without having a bunch of clothes in your closet and for me less is defiantly more.
 I wanted to share something I'll be doing in the next couple of weeks, I hope if you are planning a shopping trip soon you found something helpful in this post! Please be sure to leave me comment if you have any questions about anything! And please share in the comments what are your closet essentials and how you like to shop!

Friday, April 28, 2023

Good Thoughts Only

  What we think we become. Thats so true, often there are times I can have the most negative thoughts in my head, or I create false narratives about me and others and somehow, I convince myself they are true. Why do I do that!? I really don't know perhaps it's a bad habit. I'm working so hard to be kinder to my mind and to not be so harsh to myself for making mistakes, mistakes are part of life, and you will make them all that matters is did I learn something and how I come back from it. Life is too short to be unkind and unhappy with yourself and others if everyone practice speaking words of kindness inward and outwardly how different the world would be and our mental health if we just changed our thoughts.

This is me eating clam chowder in Santa Cruz, feeling happy and back in love with world again because sometimes the world can be so cruel, and you can forget how to find joy in little things like clam chowder and good company.

Friday, April 21, 2023


    The sun is shining now is a great time to add sunscreen to your shopping list! 
Sunscreen is one of the most important skincare habits you can form, if you're overwhelmed and don't know where to start here are a few suggestions to help you start, I will be updating this list continuously throughout the upcoming months.

Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know if you have tried any of these in the pasted, I would love to hear your feedback or if have any new sunscreen suggestions for me to try in the future!     

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Be Her


  "New Year same me but with more, focus, determination and positivity." Happy New Year I'm 10 days late in posting but that's okay better late than never.  It's that time of the year where everybody is talking about their new year resolutions and this has me thinking about my own, and how I want to do things this year and this is what I have come up with. So, this year I have decided to do things differently from how I've done them in the past I want to be more intentional in how I set my goals, this time instead of making a list of things to accomplish, I picked a quote to focus on this year the quote I found is very inspiring and it's called Be Her. This quote really spoke to me and resonates with me in so many ways! My goal is to let quote evolve with me throughout the year, I feel really good about this and very motivated! I hope when you read it some parts of it resonates and speaks to you in a special way. I'm curious to see how I'll feel focusing on a quote instead of a list, hopefully this takes away the pressure of perfection I tend to put on myself in the beginning of a new year, I'm excited for this year and so ready for everything that's coming my way, so 2023 let's go do some amazing things! Happy New Year everyone, cheers!!                              

                                                                                                                                                                        BE HER 

"The women you keep admiring, the one you see yourself stepping into and creating a future you've only dreamt her. Be the best damn version of her. Take a moment to close your eyes and envision what believes in, who she is, how she feels in that moment and what she looks like. Remind yourself of what she is cable of. Now believe in her. She is you; you are her." 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Sunday Reset

Take a little time out of your day to pour into yourself today, it can be taking a few deep breaths, going on a walk or doing absolutely nothing. Whatever it is you deserve it, have a beautiful Sunday!

Friday, September 2, 2022



" Step into and own who you are! Your uniqueness, your quirks and your personality- it's all meant to be."


I love this quote so much it explains me in a nutshell so well.  I have always been a little insecure with my personality and in completely owning my quirks, in the past I was made to feel like there was something wrong with me for being different in so many ways it wasn't until recently I found my freedom and happiness in being my true myself and not giving a care about what others think about me, because it doesn't matter  all that matters is how I feel and right now I feel good about the woman I'm growing into  which is why I call my blog   A New Happy, I thinks it's unique and fitting to me in this season of my life I'm in!  I'm excited to write again I'm excited to share parts of myself I haven't shown to others in a really long time, and I hope you enjoy.   



MY SPRING / SUMMER BASICS    I'm a planning some trips to the thrift store and before in a couple of weeks and I'm also shopping a f...